I will tell you some examples on how to make your gani more realistic!
This looks like hes really holding the gun! Ew, no. That just dosent look good. !
Now, you are probably like. How do you do that.. I am going to show you how to do this and give you the x,y,cords for the sprite
First off, you open your Graal folder were the Graalshop Program is located and search Body.png
Once you search that you will get a list of body(s). RIGHT CLICK on the image that only says (BODY) and then press OPEN WITH then press PAINT. Once you have that done with , scroll down till you see this portion of the image
Now back into the guide before, it examplained how to add a sprite and the x,y,w,h. Do the same with the body, but this time you will only crop the hand and the arm.
Fantastic! You have the image . Now you need to add it to the GraalShop program. As I said before you need to add it in as a sprite.
Now you need to enter the x,y,w,h values you got from paint.
Make sure you are adding the sprite in as a BODY dont type the word body.png in the image part of adding the sprite
X,Y,Height,Width Coordinates for the arm:
x: 32
Y: 364
Height: 15
Width: 8
X: 112
Y: 364
Height: 20
Width: 8
X,Y,Height,Width Coordinates for the hand:
X: 32
Y: 330
Height: 8
Width: 8
X: 112
Y: 330
Height: 8
Width: 8
From what I've tested, this isn't the right coordinates.
ReplyDeleteAre you using the correct body image ?